Dyne Fire Protection Labs
is presenting and exhibiting at the
2024 MN Fire Marshal Conference
Eagan Community Center
September 17th - 18th
8:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Dyne's Marketing Manager, Jennie Novak and Quality Supervisor, Ben Quick will be exhibiting on September 17th.

September 17th - Topics include three tracks:
  • NFPA Battery Presentation Part 1 or Inspection and Testing of ERCES Systems Part 1 or Fire Inspector II Certification Class
  • NFPA Battery Presentation Part 2 or Inspection and Testing of ERCES Systems Part 2 or Fire Inspector II Certification Class cont.
  • MN Fire Sprinkler Tests or Plan Reviews or Fire Alarm Systems Part 1 or Fire Fire Inspector II Certification Class cont.
  • Electric Vehicles or Plan Reviews for Fire Alarms Systems Part 2 or Fire Fire Inspector II Certification Class cont.

September 18th - Topics include three tracks:
  • Occupant Load Calculation or AI-Fire Analysis training with UrbanLogic and SFM 1 or Fire Inspector II Certification Class cont.
  • Fire Pump Room Design or AI-Fire Analysis training with UrbanLogic and SFM 1 or Fire Inspector II Certification Class cont.
  • NFPA 13E Review or Recruiting in the Middle and High School Science Classroom or Certification Exam
  • Diversion Program for Youth Fire or Large Construction Site Fire Case Study or Certification Exam
Eagan Community Center
1501 Central Parkway
Eagan, MN 55121

Stop by our table and check out our new swag!

Ben, Quality Supervisor
Jennie, Marketing Manager

