Great your back!  Just enter your email address, confirmation code and your new password a couple of times to make sure we've got it correct.  Once that's complete just press the Change Password button and your back in action.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Verify that your email address and confirmation code match the information in the most recent email you received from us regarding your forgotten password.  If you're working faster than the speed of light, it's possible that you've gotten here before our email got to you.  If this happens, you might be trying to confirm your account with an expired confirmation code.
  2. Enter the same password twice just to make sure you don't mistype a password.
  3. Verify that all four fields are complete.  The Change Password button will not activate if there are any missing fields.
  4. Last but not least ... If you're still have problems, contact support.  We're glad to help.

